Beginner’s Guide to Google Analytics

Sounds amazing, right? But then you login and think, “What in the world…” and quickly close that tab. The truth is, Google Analytics can help your online business grow and you don’t have to be a data-mining analytics junkie to understand how to use it. With real-time monitoring, you can learn how your audience interacts …

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AAF Open Putt-Putt Golf Tournament

American Advertising Federation’s annual putt-putt golf tournament. Big thanks to our art director Matt Noa for the shirts, and AAF Omaha for an evening of friendly competition. Want to learn more about our involvement in Omaha? Sign up for the C3D newsletter to keep up with the team’s latest work, meet our clients, and more!

What We’re Listening To: Back to School

This playlist is intended for parents whose summer never even had a chance. Now that the kids are out of the house, crank those speakers to eleven and blast this celebratory “Back To School” playlist. Listen on Spotify Do you like discovering new artists as much as we do? Subscribe to the C3D newsletter to get notified …

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BOTH Live at Hear Omaha – 7/23/15

Thanks to The Greater Omaha Chamber of Commerce, the Young Professionals, and Hear Nebraska, we’ve enjoyed listening to some of Omaha’s greatest local music acts all summer long at the Hear Omaha concert showcase. The shows, which are free to the public, begin at noon near the corner of 13th and Howard every Thursday through …

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Mastering Page Insights on Facebook

Believe it or not, there are companies that pay entire teams of social media specialists to answer these questions. However, seeking the answers to these questions doesn’t have to cost you a lot of time and money, or require a team of experienced specialists. Once you’ve identified your target audience, the analytics data from Facebook’s Page …

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10 Time-Saving Keyboard Shortcuts for Photoshop

There are also about 20+ different ways to accomplish the exact same thing (e.g. masking). We all want to work faster, and keyboard shortcuts (or hotkeys) can offer an easy way to do just that. Below are some of the “shortcuts” our designers frequently use in their Photoshop travels. Create a new layer group or folder If …

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Finding Your Audience on Social Media

While much of it has to do with the quality of the content you’re posting, another reason could be that your brand is simply not engaging your audience in the right places. Every brand’s target audience is different. Engaging yours can only be done with a thorough assessment of your audience’s unique makeup, including where …

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