5 Ways to Organically Build Your Email List
You’re ready to make email your favorite tool in your marketing tool box. How do you actually build your email list?
You’re ready to make email your favorite tool in your marketing tool box. How do you actually build your email list?
Adobe Photoshop can do more things than most people will ever use or know. We all want to work faster, and keyboard shortcuts offer an easy way to do that.
WordPress plugins need to be chosen and used with care. Here’s some pointers to help you pick the right ones!
You know that one trusty knife you use for everything when you’re cooking. There are other knives in the drawer, but you keep reaching for that old friend. You know it works, and what you can create with it. That’s how I feel about email in a marketing strategy. Sure, there are new platforms out …
So you need a logo. You have your big idea, you have a name, you have a business plan, and you are ready to move forward with what will hopefully be your retirement plan. BUT, there’s a problem, you don’t have awareness. You don’t have a website for anyone to find information about you, and …
Kerning is the often neglected art form of adjusting the space between letters of a word to increase the content’s readability. Learn more about how it came to be, and how you can learn to master kerning.
Color can affect your mood, what you think of a new brand, and even influence your buying choices. Getting the color right in your designs is crucial if you want to convey the right message. As a designer, it is essential to know when to use RGB or CMYK. You want to make sure your document color mode is set correctly depending on your project or you could spend a lot of time fixing improper color values.
Maybe you’re about to launch a new business. Maybe you’ve already launched and now you realize you have a load of marketing concerns you have to deal with all at once. Or perhaps you’re trying to decide if you need to pay your cousin or friend a little bit to come up with… something.
At C3D, we build almost all new sites using WordPress. Let us explain why, and clear up some common misconceptions about Wordpress along the way!
If you have questions about your current messaging and marketing strategy in a COVID-19 world, we want to help. Schedule a Call We survived the 1990s dot com bubble and the 2008 housing crisis. We’re looking forward to seeing the other side of this. We want your business to be there too. No obligation. No sales …