website backlinks for seo

Backlinks Quality over Quantity

We all know it: quality wins over quantity. We tell our clients—and anyone who will listen—that it’s not about how many links you have, but how good those links are. Google values a quality link neighborhood over a sheer volume of inbound links when determining relevance and search placement. The Cost of Chasing Quantity How …

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blackhat seo techniques to avoid

SEO Tactics to Avoid

I’v begun to question the validity of all those SEO puritans that preach only White Hat SEO Methods in search engine marketing campaigns. This subject must be clarified because there are armies of internet marketers that use SEO without any results. But they are afraid to use blackhat techniques because they assume they’ll loose something …

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benefits of seach engine optimization on digital marketing

Benefits of SEO For Digital Marketing

Search engine optimization, a name that is on every businessman’s tongue and is becoming popular everyday. This is a very strong internet marketing tool that helps to optimize your website to make it search engine friendly. With this tool, search engine crawlers find your web pages, inspect them and index them in search engine databases. …

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on-page optimization for top seo ranking

On-Page Optimization for Top Rankings

The reason why on-page optimization is more crucial to achieve top rankings is that it is the oxygen your website. Every page of your website should be optimized in the best possible way. This will ensure more and more web traffic which means generation of more revenue. Now what exactly is on-page optimization all about? …

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think of your website as an employee

Think of Your Website as an Employee

Think about what a well-written, well-designed, well-optimized website is capable of: All this and more, as the TV ads used to say. Websites as Marketing Department Your website can do so much for your company’s overall image and brand. And we’re not just talking about a sexy-looking, well-laid-out website with plenty of Flash animation and …

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