I’v begun to question the validity of all those SEO puritans that preach only White Hat SEO Methods in search engine marketing campaigns.

This subject must be clarified because there are armies of internet marketers that use SEO without any results. But they are afraid to use blackhat techniques because they assume they’ll loose something that in fact don’t own for the moment – good rankings.
Reciprocal Links
Link reciprocation doesn’t get definitive results unless combined with a consistent portion of one way back links as it is easily detected by the search engines and when spotted there’s a great chance that they are filtered out from the SE’s index.
Whether or not a link is demoted depends largely on the trust your partner websites enjoy with the search engines. If the sites have quality linking patterns, their link exchanges actually contribute to strengthening the authority gained until that point.
On the opposite corner if all you do is build obscure one way back links and reciprocal links, these last assets will probably be ignored by search engines when evaluating the authority of your business website.
If valuable candidates are not to be seen momentarily concentrate on creating quality informational materials that people recommend with back links.
Page Onload Redirects
The sentence is immediate exclusion from the search engines. Search engines refined their methods of detecting JavaScripts redirect If you whant to transfer content by site or webpage use the 301 redirect. This way the PageRank value is kept.
Just make sure the domain name is functional and the webpage treats the same subject.
Buying Poor Quality Backlinks
This SEO practice is heavily discussed (most certainly) because of it effectiveness. The fact of the matter is that backlinks are the one true method of measuring a website’s authority. Search engines can’t identify good quality content or bad quality content. They just see content.
You can make it an effective tactic as long as you keep it under the SE radar each and every time you make these kind of acquisitions. But the key is to make it look natural. Whether you are looking for guest posting opportunities, doing backlink outreach or, gasp, buying backlinks, you need to make sure that the process and results look natural.
Would a brand new website get 400 backlinks in the first week? No way. But it is possible that a new gets a new link every few days with proper promotion? Absolutely.
Avoid the Private Blog Network or PBN
PBNs resemble the link reciprocation method in terms of the ease with which are discovered and the fact that are even more transparent if there are no sufficient inbound links to bury the excessive interlinking.
Google devalues websites that have many links coming from the same C block IP range. To erase these footprints use different hosting services and as stated above build massive backlinks to your site network.
If you don’t even have sufficient content to pour into each website you should abandon the idea of starting a linking network altogether.
Hidden Text
There are other more effective means of influencing rankings than this and it’s not worth the risk. It is quite easy for search engines to figure it out. Just look at the inspection tools in Chrome.
Namely, preparing two versions of the same content. One for the search engine spider and one for the human surfer and serving the page based on user-agent. While this has fallen by the wayside in the last few years, there are still some black hat SEOs who pursue this in situations where they need to rank a site fast, but don’t care if dies a quick death due to penalty
If you master this technique it’s hard to be caught by the search engines. The problem though, is that while the web evolves your website remains the same and penalties come often and hard.
Content Spinning
Auto generating content by spinning stands out like a gigantic red flag in today’s world of AI content generation. Just avoid it, and learn prompts. Google has indicated they don’t mind AI generated content as long as it is helpful to the user. I build topical content maps with AI and pass to my writers to write. But there are sorts of paths to go down if you become a master of prompts.